Author: Tim Aldiss

Tim Aldiss is Camper Van Man, and is well respected in the camper van, and particularly the VW LT community where he has been a moderator of the VOLT (VW LT Owners) Facebook group

Tim runs as well as his dad's website & which he also designed and built. Tim works in digital marketing and has been well published elsewhere:

He is also featured here:

Social profiles:

Tim is a consultant/director at ThinkSearch Digital Ltd and works for Anything Is Possible, Spec Digital &

Tim's camper conversions:

Bolt the Sprinter
My current whip and converted over 2 years on the drive at home. A former mess van it had a semi-interior to strip out, reu-use various parts (electric components mainly) and refit as a 3 or 4 berth camper.
Walt (from VOLT)
Restored from a fairly rusty trades van, sourced in Lithuania, 3 years were spent crafting this beauty, mostly in a shared, rented barn space. A rare 4×4 (one of 1,250) Walt really was a labour of love.
Awe (he was awesome)
The first family camper was a former glaziers van. He was built out on the road outside our terraced house much to the neighbours interest! Nicknamed the Archiemobile as Archie arrived in the scene shortly after the conversion and just in time for travels.
The Landcruiser (never christened)
Used for a 5 week honeymoon road trip the interior was simple but effective and facilitated a very special stage in our lives. Such a fun vehicle to drive. Double bed in the back over storage.
JJ (the Hanomag Henschel)
1994 and a 5 month road trip round Europe followed the (re)conversion of this former motocross van. Converted on my parents drive I learned how everything worked by taking everything apart and then extending it into a rear bed and shower room. This sparked my lifetime of roaming.
Chery Fulwin Jinyun Concept Camper 0

Chery Fulwin Jinyun Concept Camper

OK, OK so it’s a cramper not a camper, but still, I love how our passion is creeping more and more into everyday vehicles. This is the Chery Fulwin Jinyun concept. However it’s made...


Campervan Travel Consulting: Essential Tips Guide

I love the freedom that comes with campervan travels — conceiving trip ideas, embarking on adventures, exploring new places, and creating memories. This guide is designed to help fellow campervan enthusiasts gear up for their voyages, ensuring they are well-informed and prepared for the road ahead.

Ford-Based Randger R560 0

A Guide to Compact Campervans

Key Takeaways Feature Detail Definition Compact campervans are defined by their maneuverability and efficient use of space. Benefits Main advantages include fuel efficiency and ease of parking. Top Features Look for integrated storage, space...


How to Handle Common Campervan Repairs Yourself

I fully understand that owning a campervan is not just about the adventures; it’s also about handling the unexpected repairs that come along the way. Through my experience, I’ve collected some key strategies and...


Your Comprehensive Guide to Buying a New Campervan

Key Takeaways Aspect Key Takeaway Choice Campervans offer freedom and a lifestyle change. Types Various models cater to different needs. Budgeting Consider all costs including insurance. Features Essential vs. luxury features are available. Inspection...


Selling Your Campervan: Quick and Efficient Tips

As campervans continue to grow in popularity, many owners are looking to sell their vehicles. Whether it’s to upgrade to a new model or simply because needs have changed, selling a campervan can be...


Living The Van Life Does It Again!

I could honestly blog about almost every one of Chad’s videos (he of Living The Van Life fame). His blend of campervanning, off-roading, cooking, aerial photography, and even ASMR is outstanding. If you’ve not...

Best Christmas Gifts for the Campervan Fan 0

Best Gifts for the Campervan Fan 2024

Ah the joys of the glorious frosty and crisp mornings of winter… unless you’re a campervan fan, as you ain’t going far in this weather! However the next best thing to being in the...

My Inspiration For Travel 1

My Inspiration for Travel

Where did you get yours from? Growing up in the 70’s & 80’s dad used to drag us around all over the place. My longest lasting memories are of those trips we had in...


Extreme Campervanning – The Pamirs

OK so technically they aren’t campervans, but the UAZ Bukankhar is the only way you’re going to be able to get anywhere near the Pamir mountain range in Tajikistan from bordering Kyrgyzstan without driving...


Modular, Part-Time Camper Van

Check out this genius bit of innovation. These framed, customisable, modular cubes slide right on in (and out) of your L2H2+ builders van! They offer full kitchen and bathroom facilities as well as a...

VW T7 California Camper Concept 1

VW T7 California Camper Concept

There’s a new classic in our midst – the VW California – and it’s an absolute beauty! OK so it’s still a cramper but finally VW have designed something that takes inspiration from all...